Bertolino & Bowen Laboratory

About the Bertolino & Bowen Laboratory

The group is internationally recognised for having made several key contributions to the field of liver immunology. These discoveries, published in pioneering landmark papers, have transformed the field and greatly advanced our knowledge of liver immune responses during infections and in liver transplantation. Although they did not initially conform with existing paradigms, these discoveries are now part of current models and referenced in many immunology textbooks.


  • Associate Professor Patrick Bertolino

    Head, Centre for Infection & Immunity
  • Associate Professor David Bowen

    Laboratory co-head
  • Lior Yoffe

    Undergraduate student

Student Opportunities

Postdoctoral and postgraduate students would be trained and supervised by excellent research and clinical scientists internationally recognised for their contribution and expertise to the field. Studies will be performed in state-of-the-art facilities, in direct collaboration with the University of Sydney, UTS and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

To learn more about student opportunities in the Bertolino & Bowen Laboratory and for all general enquiries relating to this work, please contact Associate Professor Bertolino or Associate Professor Bowen.