Understanding unexplained heart failure in patients with liver cirrhosis
The Centenary Institute’s Dr Madeleine Gill has today received a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) postgraduate scholarships grant to continue her research into understanding unexplained heart failure in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy affects approximately 50 per cent of patients with cirrhosis and can be a barrier to liver transplantation and is associated with new cardiovascular disease.
“This research aims to enrich our understanding of how often, and why cirrhotic cardiomyopathy happens, using a new technique called ‘metabolomics’ to look for specific bloods markers and follow the changes in patients’ hearts before and after transplant,” said Dr Gill.
The NHMRC postgraduate scholarships will create opportunities for many graduates in medicine and health sciences to pursue their ideas and tackle the health challenges facing our community.
Further information on the grants visit the NHMRC website.