Centenary City2Surf Champions
Centenary Institute scientists and supporters successfully braved the weather, took on ‘Heartbreak Hill’ and completed this year’s 14km City2Surf fun run, promoting and raising funds for medical research.
First Centenary runner to cross the finish line was Dr Claudio Counoupas, tuberculosis researcher, in an impressive time of 61min and 31 seconds. Eight further ‘Team Centenary’ members completed the world’s largest fun run which this year consisted of over 84,000 entrants.
In terms of fundraising, our amazing ‘Team Centenary’ runners have already raised $4,981 as a part of their City2Surf activity and it’s still not too late to donate. You can donate to any of our team members by visiting the City2Surf web site here.
The Centenary Institute wishes to thank everyone who ran or supported the team’s efforts. Also a special shout out to Centenary’s Karen McBrien and Trudy Shaw who braved the freezing conditions at Bondi Beach to support all ‘Team Centenary’ members at the finish line.
We hope to see you all at the City2Surf next year!